Artillery House, 71-73 Woodbridge Road, Guildford, GU1 4QH

1 Westminster Bridge Road London, SE1 7XW

Postal Address
The Partnership, PO Box 1587, Artillery House, 71-73 Woodbridge Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 9DP
Social Media
Contact Us
01483 579 978

We would like to reassure clients that we have a robust Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan which we will implement if the guidance from the Government enforces any shutdowns or business closures as a result of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). This means that the company will stay open for business, even if our offices need to close.

As a modern highly technical company, we embrace flexible and remote working and all our employees have the capability to work remotely. Calls will be answered and messages taken. We also have enough trained employees to continue handling our work load even if some of our workforce is reduced through illness.

We have already taken some short-term measures to mitigate potential issues arising from COVID-19, including:

  • Encouraging our employees to minimise travel between our offices.
  • Ensuring all employees are able to remotely log into our offsite servers in the event that we decide to or are mandated to close our offices.
  • Ensuring that our Finance capability can effectively function remotely.
  • Keeping our Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan under constant review against all likely impacts arising specifically from a COVID-19-related closure.

We will notify all clients of any office closure by portal message, as well as on our website.