Artillery House, 71-73 Woodbridge Road, Guildford, GU1 4QH

1 Westminster Bridge Road London, SE1 7XW

Postal Address
The Partnership, PO Box 1587, Artillery House, 71-73 Woodbridge Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 9DP
Social Media
Contact Us
01483 579 978

On Monday the 17th June 2019, a team from The Partnership took to the streets of London to participate in the annual London Legal Walk. This year marked the 15th time the event has been run with a record breaking 15 000 people taking part, a significant increase from the very first walk in 2005 with just 330 walkers. Last year’s event raised £830 000 and organisers are confident this year will beat that figure.

This is the first time The Partnership has taken part in the walk, which raises funds for free legal advice charities and pro-bono agencies across London and the South East.

The Partnership Walkers, consisting of members of the sales, marketing and legal teams chose to complete the 10km Park Route (rather than the River Route) where they were treated to great views of the River Thames, Buckingham Palace and a scenic stroll through Hyde Park.

We’d like to thank everyone involved in the organisation of the event and to all those that donated. It was great fun and we look forward to taking part again next year.” Kate Atkinson, Head of Legal Practice at The Partnership.