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Conveyancing is not fit for purpose – we must blame someone...
Have you noticed that right now, more than ever, it seems that we all need someone to blame? Cost of living crisis? World economic events. Descent into moral bankruptcy? Boris Johnson. House buying an...
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Boiling the ocean – solving the conveyancing conundrum
After last month’s piece about the myths of conveyancing, a reader posted the message, “that’s all good, but how do we fix it?” This constructive feedback made a pleasant change and was just one of ma...
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13. Confessions of a cyber conveyancer
When you run a business that is completely reliant on technology, you’d like to think you’ve got the whole thing nailed down. Stuff like hot stand-by boxes, redundant disks, uninterruptable power supp...
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Ready to Exchange– and other conveyancing myths
You probably won’t be aware of it, but February 28th 2018 was a sad day in television history. It was the last airing of a fantastic show called Mythbusters, which set out to prove or disprove popula...
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11. Confessions of a cyber conveyancer
There I was, last Wednesday, minding my own business, catching up on the latest instalment of the Wagather Christie court case, when my phone rang. That would mean only one of two things. Either it ...
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10. Confessions of a cyber conveyancer
We’d grown tired of sitting around eating bonbons and were looking for something else to do to pass the time. We knew there were personalised Cadbury’s Dairy Milk bars in the locked marketing room, b...
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“If this is the new normal, heaven help us”
These days, it seems everything needs a phrase. Ideally of three words. At least, that’s what it seems when you look at the utterances from 10 Downing Street – who can forget “Build Back Better” or “...
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